The Eastern Wyoming College Lancer rodeo teams kicked off the spring 2021 season with two rodeos. One hosted by Sheridan College and one hosted by Gillette College, both took place in Gillette over the weekend.
The men's team placed second at the Gillette College rodeo with 466.0 points. The University of Wyoming men's team was first with 594.5 points.
Other individuals placing at the Gillette College rodeo included:
Steer Wrestling - Trayton Travnicek, freshman, Minatare, NE, 2nd, 4.8 seconds
Team Roping – Dalton Wieneke, sophomore, West Point, NE, and Canton Afdahl, sophomore, Torrington, WY, 2nd, 5.8 seconds; Cameron Jensen, sophomore, Bingham, NE and Cody Fosket, Casper College, 5th, 6.4 seconds
Tie Down Roping – Jensen, 4th, 10.0 seconds
Breakaway Roping – Emily DeAngelo, freshman, Calan, CO, 4th, 2.9 seconds; JoSee Saults, sophomore, Big Springs, NE, 8th, 3.3 seconds
Sheridan College Rodeo results were as follows:
Team Roping – Travnicek and Tristan Hunter, freshman, Ardmore, SD, 6th, 7.9 seconds
Tie Down Roping – Afdahl, 9th, 11.1 seconds
Steer Wrestling – Gage Murray, sophomore, Miles City, MT, 10th, 8.3 seconds
"The team looked great, everyone competed well. We are going to keep at it and are looking forward to this weekend," said Coach Jake Clark.
The Lancers are hosting their annual rodeo in Torrington March 26-27 which looks a little different this year. There will not be any performances. Slack will begin Friday at 10:00 am with Steer Wrestling, Roping Events, and Goat Tying. Rough stock slack will begin approximately at 4:00 pm. Saturday slack begins at 9:00 am with barrel racing, goat tying, steer wrestling and roping events. There will be a top 10 session at 4:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public up to current health order limits.